Mitheridge Capital Management – Mitheridge is an alternative investment firm that sees things differently.

Fletcher Priest Architects – Fletcher Priest Architects is an award- winning studio of architects, urban designers and interior designers with a broad range of experience at different scales, from the design of interiors to the masterplanning of towns and cities.

DP9 is established as one of the leading expert consultancies in planning, development and regeneration in the UK. Formed in 2004 the business was specifically created to focus on advising on the largest, most complex and challenging development propositions in London.

Social Value Portal is developing a social value strategy for the lifecycle of the development, from construction to management and occupation. This strategy aims to create a sustainable development that meets the needs of the communities around Rom Valley and maximise social value added to the area.


The Terrapin Group is a public affairs agency specialising in public consultation. As well as running stakeholder and community engagement for projects, it provides strategic advice on planning and devises programmes tailored to each location.